How Are My Listings Performing Against Similar Listings?
Know how you can ensure that your listings are standing out against competition
Ever wonder how is your listing performing against similar listings? Since you are targeting the same property seekers, it’s important that you know where your listing stands and if it’s in urgent need of improvement in performance.
Where can I find my listings’ performance insights? Log in to AgentNet and click on ‘My Listings’.

You should be able to see a light grey bar below each of your active listings. Example below.

How much eyeballs or exposure is my listing getting compared to similar listings?

Refer to the Sparkline near the right corner of each residential listings to understand the trend in number of times your listing appears to property seekers in search result, and how this is performing compared to similar listing. Sparkline reports on last 30 days’ impression.
Should the Sparkline appears red, it means that your listing is performing below average in number of impressions compared to the other similar listings. Your listing may not be getting enough impressions in turn losing out on views and leads. You should take steps to improve the exposure of your listing.However, if the Sparkline is green, it is means that your listing is doing well amongst its competition. Keep going!
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