Ad Credits

The virtual currency to keep your listings at the top of search results and more

Our Agent Packages come bundled with various amounts of Ad Credits that enable you to post, repost, or Spotlight your listings for better listing performance.

If you foresee a need to list many listings or are dealing with popular districts/estates/projects, consider subscribing or upgrading to a higher tier package. Otherwise, you can also enjoy the flexibility of topping up your Ad Credits based on your needs later.

Using Ad Credits to Better Your Listing Performance

In a competitive market, your listing needs to stand out from the crowd to capture property seekers' attention and drive enquiries. You can do this through using Ad Credits to post, repost and Spotlight your listings.

All these actions can be activated for your published listing anytime via AgentNet > Listings.

Post Your Listing

Post your listings to publish them on our portal so that property seekers can search, view and enquire about them over the next 60 days.

Every listing has a Listing Quality Score and published date which determines its ranking amongst similar listings in search results. Learn more

Repost Your Listing

Reposting your listings refreshes its published date to secure a higher ranking in search results to generate more exposure.

By reposting, you also extend your listing's expiry date by 60 days.

There is no limit to the number of reposts each day. You can save time by setting up Auto-Repost schedules Learn more

Turbo Your Listing

Turbo your listing exposure by up to 8X with XL Images and a top-ranking spot above Spotlight and regular listings.

Additionally, get a WhatsApp button on search results and an ads-free listing page.

Each Turbo booking lasts for 7 days. You can also run it continuously with the use of Auto-Turbo. Learn more

Spotlight Your Listing

Spotlight gives your listing a competitive edge over regular listings, with up to 5X more views.

Your listing will enjoy high ranking on search results, customisable headline, an image carousel and more.

Each Spotlight booking lasts for 7 days. You can also run it continuously with the use of Auto-Spotlight. Learn more

Need more Ad Credits to improve your listing performance?

Top Up Ad Credits

Managing Your Ad Credits Balance & Usage

You can manage your Ad Credits balance and usage through AgentNet at your convenience.

Checking Your Balance

Check your Ad Credits balance anytime through your AgentNet dashboard, which displays the total number of credits you have left at the moment.

For more details on your balance, click on the number of credits displayed. You will be able to see the breakdown by your order number.

Reviewing Your Usage

Review your Ad Credits usage any time through the Ad Credits Consumption Report in AgentNet.

This report provides detailed records of your credits usage for post, repost, Boost and Spotlight activities over your specified period of time.

Access this page by clicking on “Reports” on the top navigation bar or “View History” in the Credits balance section on the dashboard.

Learn more

Have more questions on Ad Credits?

Contact our Cust Care at +603 7932 7555 or read our Help Articles for more information