Upload photos to your property listing (Mobile)
Update property photos on the go!
Attract property seekers with visually appealing photos. Upload photos conveniently from your phone anytime, anywhere.
1. Go to AgentNet mobile app and select the active or draft listing that you want to update the media. Click on "Media"

3. Press on "+" , then Take a photo or Select from Library

Tip: Upload photos according to the right order that how you want the interested property seekers to view your photos.
3. Use the rotate function and crop function to ensure the photos are in correct orientation and size. Then press on Upload.
4. Add Caption to describe the photo. Property seekers will see them when they click on the photos to expand it to full screen.
5. Set as Cover: select the most attractive photo that can represent the property as cover image by clicking the 3 dots .

7. Library photos will be included in your listing automatically. Select the unwanted library photos and press on the icon to remove them (IOS) / Select the 3 dots on the top right and select hide (Android).

9. Click on Next to proceed to publish your listing!
TIP! A perfect property photo has good angles, positioning, lighting and staging of property to deliver best property visual. It can be done with your phone, learn and practice the 10 tips to taking quality property photos with your phone.
For general enquiries, please reach out to our Customer Service at the following:
Phone: +60 3 7932 7555 (Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm, closed on PH)
For technical assistance, please message us via WhatsApp us at +60 12 697 5023
(Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm, closed on PH) and we will get back to you within 1 working day.